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- Reckless driving is prohibited. This includes any driving that is dangerous, endangers the driver or other participants, or may result in damage to the kart, track, or track personnel will result in the immediate loss of driving privileges and forfeiture of any fee paid.
- Our Karts are not “bumper cars.” Contact with other karts and drivers must be avoided at all times. Any intentional bumping will be considered reckless driving.
- DO NOT RACE with loose items, clothing, and or long hair. Racing with such items can cause injuries. Please firmly secure and/or remove them. If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of your clothing, hair length, or other items please check with Sykart Staff before racing.
- Drivers must wear approved helmets and hygienic liners. All drivers must wear full-face DOT approved helmets when racing. When wearing Sykart free use helmets, drivers must be wearing an approved helmet liner/head sock.
- If you appear intoxicated, you can not drive. Driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription, recreational, and illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
- Take extra care in the pit area to not fall or burn yourself on the covered engine/exhaust.
- Unlike in a car, the brake is controlled by your left foot but the throttle is still controlled by your right.
- Maximum driving speed in the pit area is walking speed.
- Never exit the kart while on the track! If you require assistance during a race: pull safely to the side of the track or into the pit area, raise your hand, and wait for Sykart Staff to assist you. If you feel unwell at any point, pull into the pit at the next available opportunity to take a break.
- Walking on any portion of the track or beyond any divided partitions is prohibited.
- Use both hands on the wheel at all times in the “9 and 3 o’clock” positions.
- Drivers must comply with all Flag Signals and Instructions from Sykart Staff.
- And as always, please ask any questions you may have before racing.
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